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Entrepreneurs Academy

Tips to save WATER

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Tips to save water

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  • Turn off the taps

    Leaving a tap running while brushing teeth uses 6 litres of water a minute. And by fixing a dripping tap you can save over 60 litres of water a week.

  • Boil what you need

    Only boil as many cups of water as you need for your tea round – you’ll be saving money and energy.

  • Shower with less

    It’s easy to linger in the shower when you’re sleepy in the morning – four-minute timers can help. And switching to an efficient shower head will allow you to lather up in less water.

  • Save up your dirty clothes

    Washing a full machine load of clothes uses less water and energy than two half-loads. This means lower bills as well.

  • Steam your veggies

    As well as using less water than boiling, steaming retains more nutrients. If you do boil, try adding the water used as a tasty stock to soups. Or let it cool and use it to water house or garden plants.

  • Catch rainwater

    You can cut water use by 33% by watering plants manually instead of using automatic sprinklers.


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