Die Klipfontein veldbrand naby Stilbaai is tans onbeheerd a.g.v. die sterk winde wat deur die nag opgesteek het.
Brandweerpersoneel was deur die nag op die toneel om die situasie asook bedreigde huise te monitor.
Eden Distriksmunisipaliteit asook Working of Fire is tans nog op die toneel.
Lugondersteuning sal vir die volgende uur verskaf word deur Hessequa Munisipaliteit a.g.v. die Vermaaklikheid gemeenskap wat bedreig word.
Geen ontruimings of besering is tot dusver aangemeld nie.
Die gemeenskap se samewerking en ondersteuning word hoog op prys gestel.
Firefighters are still battling to contain a vegetation fire that broke out in Klipfontein near Stillbay on Sunday, 15 Jan. 2017. The fire is currently out of control and aerial support has been calling in to prevent the fire spreading into the Vermaaklikheid area.
Firefighters for Hessequa Municipality, Eden Districts Municipality and Working on Fire are battling the flames but strong winds are again fanning the flames. The weather is not making it any easier, the hot and windy conditions are making firefighting extremely difficult.
No injuries of road closures has been reported.