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Entrepreneurs Academy


Notice is hereby given that the Council of Hessequa adopted a Draft Capital and Operating Budget for the period 1 July 2018 to 30 June 2019 and Draft Integrated Development Plan (IDP) 1th review 2017 – 2022 on 28 March 2018.

The draft budget and Integrated Development Plan (IDP) were made available for inspection at Municipal offices as well as all municipal libraries. A summary of the budgets and IDP are also available on the official municipal website .


Budget 2018/2019 Budget 2019/2020 Budget 2020/2021
Total revenue 468 474 182 520 034 447 538 442 031
Total expenditure 472 916 707 510 795 756 520 111 513



Budget 2018/2019 Budget 2019/2020 Budget 2020/2021
Capital Expenditure 99 332 330 93 808 920 80 892 788
Finance Source
CRR 13 114 780 11 648 720 8 209 088
External Loans 70 693 650 65 001 000 42 889 350
Grants and Public Contributions and Donations 15 523 900 17 159 200 29 794 350


Tariff increases for 2018/19:


Residential                                                           8,0%

Business                                                                8,0%

Government                                                         4,0%

Rural                                                                      8,0%

Vacant Stands                                                   24,0%

WATER                                                            12.0%

ELECTRICITY                                                 6.84% (average)

REFUSE                                                            15.0%

SEWERAGE                                                      8.0%

SUNDRY TARIFFS                                        6.0% – 8.0%

RENTALS                                                          Per Contracts

Credit Control and Debt Collection Policy & By-Law

The following has been added to the policy;
Only cash, credit- or debit cards will be accepted as payment for motor vehicle registrations and motor vehicle licensing at the Traffic Department Offices of Riversdale and Heidelberg and the eNATIS payment counters of Albertinia and Still Bay regardless of whether a customer has a municipal account.

Indigent Policy

The combined income per residence threshold of category B has been increased from R3 500 to
R3 800. This category receives 6kl of water, 50kwh of electricity and 50% subsidy on basic services and property tax.

The capital budget will be spent as follows in the Wards.

The large spending in Wards 1 and 3 is mainly aimed at stimulating development which will increase the revenue base. This is crucial for the municipality to be able to balance its revenue and expenditure.

Municipal Manager Johan Jacobs: “The biggest challenge in local government is to assure sustainability of a Municipality.  The long term financial plan directs spending for Hessequa and is adhered to as far as possible.  Maintenance of infrastructure is a priority in the budget to ensure the quality of services provided to the public.”

Executive Mayor Grant Riddles scheduled budget related outreach programs in the month of April for all Hessequa communities. The aim of the outreach was to promote public participation in the compilation of the 2018/2019 budget and IDP as well as answer all related queries.

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