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Afrikaans Afrikaans English English Sesotho Sesotho Xhosa Xhosa Zulu Zulu
Entrepreneurs Academy

****** Belangrike Kennisgewing / Important Notice …!!! ******

Dit het onder Hessequa munisipaliteit se aandag gekom dat ‘n sekere instansie/organisasie geldelike steun invorder om oënskynlik hul voertuie van brandstof te voorsien ten einde brand geaffekteerde persone te Vermaaklikheid van hulp te voorsien.

Neem asseblief kennis dat Hessequa munisipaliteit nie ‘n party tot hierdie invorderings is nie; ook nie toestemming daartoe verleen het nie; en distansieer homself dus van die handeling van die betrokke instansie/organisasie.




It was brought under the attention of Hessequa municipality that a certain organization/institution is currently collecting money, apparently to fill up their vehicles with fuel for them to assist people affected by the blaze at Vermaaklikheid.

Please take note that Hessequa municipality is in no manner a party to such collections taking place; neither granted permission for the collection to take place, and therefor distance itself from the said actions of the relevant organization/institution.

Thank for your file upload