Residents and visitors to Hessequa are kindly requested to please use water sparingly. Due to an influx of tourists coupled with high temperatures, our region is experiencing a surge in water consumption, placing water resources under pressure. Your cooperation in this regard is appreciated. Wishing you and your family a blessed and joyful festive season.
Inwoners en besoekers aan Hessequa word hiermee vriendelik versoek om water asseblief spaarsamig te gebruik. As gevolg van ‘n toename in toeriste tesame met die hoë temperature, ervaar ons streek ‘n toename in waterverbruik wat reservoirs onder druk plaas. U samewerking in die verband word waardeer. ‘n Geseënde en vreugdevolle feesseisoen word u en u familie toegewens.