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Afrikaans Afrikaans English English Sesotho Sesotho Xhosa Xhosa Zulu Zulu
Entrepreneurs Academy


Due to the heavy rainfall over the weekend, the water levels of the Breede River and Gourits River are expected to rise significantly. Residents are requested to please be cautious, implement the necessary precautions to ensure the safety of lives and property along the riverside and stay clear from riverbanks. 

Residents should ensure that their animals are moved to higher areas to graze, remove equipment that is near or in the rivers, inform their employees to stay away from the rivers and to avoid crossing low water bridges.

Coastal towns will also experience a full moon Spring tide from today until this coming Friday which means that high and low tides will be higher and lower than usual.

Our emergency staff are on standby and will monitor the situation.

Please notify Hessequa Municipality’s Control Room immediately of any danger or emergency at the following numbers:

24 hour Emergency Number (Accidents / Fires / Disasters): 084 014 1828 or 028 713 2222

After hours: 028 713 7917 (Control Room)


Weens die swaar reënval wat ons die afgelope naweek ervaar het, sal die watervlakke van die Breederivier en Gouritsrivier na verwagting aansienlik styg. Inwoners word versoek om asseblief versigtig te wees, die nodige voorsorgmaatreëls te tref om die veiligheid van lewens en eiendom langs die rivier te verseker en weg te bly van rivieroewers.

Inwoners moet verseker dat hul diere na hoër gebiede geskuif word om te wei, toerusting wat naby of in die riviere is, verwyder word, hul werknemers inlig om weg te bly van die riviere en ook om die oorsteek van laagwaterbrûe te vermy.

Kusdorpe sal ook ‘n volmaan Springgety van vandag tot eerskomende Vrydag ervaar wat beteken dat hoog- en laagwater getye, aansienlik hoër en laer as gewoonlik sal wees.

Ons noodpersoneel is op bystand en sal die situasie monitor.

Stel asseblief Hessequa Munisipaliteit se Beheerkamer onmiddellik in kennis van enige gevaar of noodgeval by die volgende nommers:

24 uur Noodnommer (Ongelukke / Brande / Rampe): 084 014 1828 of 028 713 2222

Na-ure: 028 713 7917 (Beheerkamer)

UITGEREIK: Hessequa Munisipaliteit

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