Om noodsaaklike instandhoudingswerk te doen, sal die elektrisiteitstoevoer onderbreek word op:
In order to enable us to do essential maintenance, the electricity supply will be interrupted on:
Datum (Date): Donderdag, 18 Maart 2021 (Thursday, 18 March 2021)
Tyd / Time: 09h00 – 13h00
Geaffekteerde areas: De Vosstraat, Stilbaai Karavaanpark, Stilbaai Duine, Gordon Singel, Gordonslot, Gordonstraat, Helene Steyn Laan en Preekstoel.
WAARSKUWING : Alle elektriese installasies moet as lewendig beskou word, aangesien die krag vroeër aangeskakel mag word.
WARNING : All electrical installations should be treated as live, as the power supply could be reconnected earlier than anticipated.
Posted by Hessequa Municipality