The Hessequa Municipality is in the process of reviewing its 2022/2027 Integrated Development Plan (IDP) for the 2024/2025 financial year.
The Municipal Systems Act, Section 16 confers that a Municipality must encourage and create conditions for the local communities to participate in the affairs of the Municipality including the preparation, implementation and review of its Integrated Development Plan and budget. On the 30th August, the Hessequa Municipal Council approved the IDP and Budget Process Plan and Time Schedule to guide the review if the IDP and Budget for the 2024/2025 financial year.
Residents are invited to attend the open meetings in the respective towns in Hessequa for the review of the IDP.
Enquiries can be directed to the Manager: Strategic Services, Mr Louw de Villiers on 028 713 8089 or per email at
Die Hessequa Munisipaliteit is in die proses om die 2022/2027 Geïntegreerde Ontwikkelingsplan (GOP) te hersien ter voorbereiding van die 2024/2025 jaar.
Volgens die Stelselswet, gedeelte 16, word munisipaliteite getaak om geskikte omstandighede te skep vir gemeenskappe om deel te neem in die sake van die munisipaliteit, wat die samestelling en hersiening van die GOP insluit. Op 30 Augustus het die Raad die GOP en Begrotings beplanning vir die 2024/2025 GOP en Begroting goedgekeur.
Inwoners word genooi om die ope vergaderings in die onderskeie dorpe in Hessequa by te woon vir die hersiening van die GOP.
Navrae kan aan die Bestuurder: Strategiese Dienste, Mnr Louw de Villiers gerig word by (028) 713 8089 of per epos by