Hessequa Municipality has drafted a policy to register Pre- and Post-1994 dwellings in the names of occupants who may be eligible for home ownership in terms of the provisions in the proposed document.
The public are invited to submit inputs and comments by Friday, 19 April 2024 at 12:00.
The document is available for inspection at municipal offices/libraries, as well as the municipal website (www.hessequa.gov.za). The Draft Policy can also be downloaded directly at https://www.hessequa.gov.za/?cdm_linkout=Mjg0OA==
Enquiries: Mr C Duthie at cyprian@hessequa.gov.za or 028 713 8066.
Hessequa Munisipaliteit het ʼn konsep beleid opgestel ten einde Pre- en Post-1994 wonings in die name van bewoners wie in aanmerking mag kom vir huis eienaarskap ingevolge die bepalings in die voorgestelde dokument, te registreer.
Die publiek word genooi om insette en kommentaar teen Vrydag, 19 April 2024 om 12:00 te lewer.
Die konsep beleid is beskikbaar by alle munisipale kantore/biblioteke, sowel as die munisipale webwerf (www.hessequa.gov.za). Dit kan ook direk afgelaai word by https://www.hessequa.gov.za/?cdm_linkout=Mjg0OA==
Navrae: Mnr C Duthie by cyprian@hessequa.gov.za of 028 713 8066.