Hessequa Municipality is compiling a database for unemployed youth, including the unemployed youth graduates in the Hessequa Area. The information is required for the National Youth Service and Employment Programme in the Department of Women, Youth and People with Disability.
Unemployed youth and youth graduates must provide the following information:
▪ Names and Surname
▪ Contact Details
▪ Qualification/s
▪ Ward or Town
▪ Gender
▪ Disability type if any
The information should be forwarded to Elizma Moolman at elizma@hessequa.gov.za (Tel: 028 713 7803) or the form can be completed online at https://forms.office.com/r/rJfjrWGytP.
Hessequa Munisipaliteit is in die proses om ‘n databasis vir werklose jeugdiges, insluitend die werklose jeug gegradueerdes in die Hessequa-gebied saam te stel. Die inligting word benodig vir die Nasionale Jeugdiens- en Indiensnemings program in die Departement van Vroue, Jeug en Persone met Gestremdhede.
Werklose jeug- en jeug gegradueerdes moet die volgende inligting verskaf:
▪ Naam en Van
▪ Kontak besonderhede
▪ Kwalifikasie/s
▪ Wyk of dorp
▪ Geslag
▪ Gestremdheid indien enige.
Die inligting moet aan Elizma Moolman gestuur word by elizma@hessequa.gov.za (Tel: (028) 713 7803) of die vorm kan aanlyn voltooi word by https://forms.office.com/r/rJfjrWGytP.