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Afrikaans Afrikaans English English Sesotho Sesotho Xhosa Xhosa Zulu Zulu
Entrepreneurs Academy

E-Recruitment now available

Are you interested in applying for a vacancy at Hessequa Municipality?

Apply electronically via the link (    

to register and to create a profile.

With the profile, you can apply for a vacancy every time with the mere push of a button.

You can register and apply via the link or visit your local Library, E-Centre or the Human Resource Management office, where trained staff will assist you.


Stel jy belang om aansoek te doen vir ‘n vakature by Hessequa Munisipaliteit?

Doen elektronies via die skakel aansoek (

om te registreer en ‘n profiel te skep.

Met die profiel kan jy met die druk van ‘n knoppie elke keer om ‘n vakature aansoek doen.

Jy kan registreer en aansoek doen via die skakel of besoek jou plaaslike Biblioteek, E-Sentrums of die Menslike Hulpbronbestuur kantoor, waar opgeleide personeel jou hiermee kan help.


Ngaba unomdla wokufaka isicelo sesithuba kuMasipala waseHessequa?

Faka isicelo ngoku ngekhompyutha ngekhonkco


ukubhalisa kunye nokwenza iprofayili.

Ngeprofayile, unokufaka isicelo sesithuba ngalo lonke ixesha ngokucofa nje iqhosha.

Zifake isicelo usebenzisa ikhonkco okanye undwendwele iThala leeNcwadi elikufutshane nawe, iZiko le-E okanye i-ofisi yoLawulo lwezaBasebenzi, apho abasebenzi abaqeqeshiweyo baya kukunceda khona.

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