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Afrikaans Afrikaans English English Sesotho Sesotho Xhosa Xhosa Zulu Zulu
Entrepreneurs Academy



Die Stilbaai munisipale area ondergaan tans ʼn droë periode as gevolg van die minimale reënval. Watervlakke is ook beïnvloed deur die hoë waterverbruik tydens die feesseisoen asook die veldbrand wat watervlakke tot ongeveer 30% laat daal het.

Waterbesparingmaatreëls vir die Hessequa gebied bly steeds van krag en word die volgende waterbeperkings ingestel vir die Stilbaai omgewing.

1          Die natmaak van tuine word slegs vanaf 17h00 tot 19h00 toegelaat.

1.2        Spreiers word toegelaat, maar tuinslange mag nie sonder toesig gebruik word nie.

1.3        Afspuit van plaveisel en sementoppervlaktes word nie toegelaat nie. (Die afwas van sekere oppervlaktes in karwas dienste, slagpale en persele vir die voorbereiding van voedsel, word vrygestel van hierdie bepaling).

1.4        Voertuie, bote en karavane moet met emmers gewas word.

1.5        Die Munisipaliteit behou die reg om, na oorweging van ʼn gemotiveerde aansoek, skriftelike goedkeuring te verleen vir vrystelling van spesifieke beperkings vir sekere verbruikers.

Let asb. op na die aanpassings van waterbesparingmaatreëls en waterbeperkings vir Stilbaai dat SLEGS TWEE URE PER DAG TOEGELAAT VIR DIE NATMAAK VAN TUINE en dat SLEGS EMMERS gebruik word vir die was van voertuie.



The Still Bay area is currently experiencing a dry period due to low rainfall. Water levels were affected by the high-water consumption during the festive season and the vegetation fire that reduced water levels to almost 30% capacity.

Water savings measurements for the Hessequa region remain as a precautionary measurement. The following water restrictions apply to the Still Bay area:

  • Gardens may only be watered between 17h00 – 19h00.
  • Sprayers may be used, but water hoses may not be used without supervision.
  • Hosing down of paving and cement surfaces are not permitted.
  • Washing of vehicles/boats/caravans will be allowed by means of a bucket.
  • The Hessequa municipality reserves the right (after consideration of a motivated application) to provide written consent for release of specific restrictions for certain consumers.

Please take note of the amendments made from water savings measurements to water restrictions for the Still Bay area. Only TWO HOURS PER DAY ARE ALLOWED FOR THE WATERING OF GARDENS and the WASHING OF VEHICLES WILL ONLY BE ALLOWED BY MEANS OF A BUCKET.

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