The television and radio stations are currently dysfunctional due to the tower structures that have blown over due to the storm that occurred during the weekend of 10 June 1017. The Stillbay and Riversdale towers, which are used to house the equipment for the TV and Radio stations, have collapsed. Emergency repairs are underway and the Stillbay project is scheduled for completion by 23 June 2017 and that of Riversdale, by 30 June 2017.
Die televisie en radio stasies is tans buite werking, as gevolg van die toring strukture wat omgewaai het gedurende die storm wat die naweek van 10 Junie 2017, plaasgevind het. Die Stilbaai en Riversdal toring, wat die toerusting vir die televisie en radio stasies huisves, het omgewaai. Nood herstelwerk is tans in proses en die Stilbaai projek is geskeduleer vir voltooiing teen 23 Junie 2017 en die Riversdal projek, vir voltooiing teen 30 Junie 2017.