Hessequa Municipality upgraded the prepaid vending system software on 1 December 2015 and urged consumers to purchase their prepaid electricity in advance.
Prepaid electricity is currently available at Riversdale, Heidelberg, Melkhoutfontein, Witsand and Gouritsmond municipal offices and most service points.
The majority of the prepaid electricity outlets are back online, except for Stilbaai and Albertinia. The service provider and the municipality’s Information Technology Division is currently working hard to connect the upgraded system. Residents are requested to make use of www.powerplus.co.za.
Log on to www.powerplus.co.za via your cellphone, laptop or tablet to complete your FREE registration. Log in your name, meter number, password and method of payment and follow the instructions.
This online system is user-friendly with easy registration. For instruction on how to register click on the link below: