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Entrepreneurs Academy

New Diepkloof e-Centre launched in Heidelberg

The Cape Access Programme launched the new Diepkloof e-Centre in Heidelberg on 1 March 2016. It is a programme that provides access to information and communication technologies (ICT) to less privileged and rural communities across the Western Cape. The e-Centres provides computers and internet access, where access to information and communication technologies (ICT) is limited.

The Heidelberg Diepkloof e-Centre was provided with 24 computers by the Western Cape Government. Me. Elana Adams and Mr. Iver Hendricks were appointed as personnel to drive the computer education and assistant community members at the centre. The Diepkloof e-Centre was declared fully operational on 1 March 2016 with the official opening date to be announced by the implementation agent.

The e-Centre computer sessions are free of charge for 45 minutes per person per day. The staff help members to set up and use e-mail, the internet and computer programmes. Operation hours are Monday to Thursday from 09:00 – 17:00 and Fridays from 09:00 – 15:00.

The e-Centres provide the following free services:

  • Use of computers
  • Access to the internet
  • Access to e-mail
  • Printing (a maximum of 10 pages per person per day)
  • Basic computer training
  • Access to government information and services
  • Access to job, business and research information
  • Accredited computer training

The first e-Centre in Hessequa was opened in July 2012 at the Riversdale Thusong Centre.
Western Cape Government appointed two staff members on a three year basis and provided them with the necessary in-service accredited training. The qualified members are registered and became instructors who provides computer education at the centres.

The computer education program at the e-Centre in Riversdale has reached 5791 beneficiaries in the 2014/2015 financial year.

The success of the e-Centre in Riversdale prompted a request from the municipal Community Services Department to the Office of the Premier, to grant additional computer centres to the Hessequa region.
Hessequa Municipality has received writing confirmation from the Cape Access programme that a further five e-Centres will be rolled out in Hessequa within the 2015/2016 and 2016/2017 financial year.

The following sites were earmarked by the Cape Access team for expansion over the next three years:

Albertinia e-Centre – 20 computers
Melkhoutfontein e-Centre – 12 computers

Slangrivier e-Centre – 12 computers
Kwanokuthula e-Centre – 12 computers
Riversdale Thusong Centre – 20 computers

e-Centre Heidelberg e-Centre Heidelberg1 e-Centre Heidelberg2 e-Centre Heidelberg3 e-Centre personel

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